Augmented Reality and IIoT

In this blog post, you will see an examples of using Augmented Reality for reading real-time data from industrial sensors via MQTT.
Feb 13 / Rajvir Singh

Real-time data monitoring from Raspberry Pi

I was waiting to try this since years and finally got chance to play around with SARA (Sick Augmented Reality Assistance) kit from SICK Sensor Intelligence.

  • I am visualizing the sensor data in real-time from my RaspberryPi which is docked with SensorHub to read Temperature, Humidity and Air pressure.
  • The Raspberry Pi is publishing the data to SARA Server via MQTT.
  • My mobile phone is connected via WiFi to SARA server and subscribing to the data.
  • All the views and data points are defined in the SARA Editor running on the SARA server
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