Introducing WAGO CC100- Sending sensor data to Cloud made EASY

Jun 24 / Rajvir Singh

WAGO Compact Controller 100

I'm excited to announce my latest video: "Introduction to CC100 - Sending Sensor Data to the Cloud Made Easy"!

Why sending sensor data to the cloud is crucial for modern industrial IoT applications?

  • Real-time data access from anywhere for monitoring and control
  • Leverage cloud computing resources for data analysis
  • Use machine learning to identify patterns and predict trends 
Gone are the days of manual data recording from HMI for analytics. Today, we have smart controllers like WAGO's Compact Controller 100 (CC100), making it easy to send sensor data to the cloud. 

In this video, I'll show you how to:

  • Read raw data from various sensors
  • Process the data to make it meaningful
  • Send it to the Amazon Cloud without using any extra edge device
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Compact Controller 100 features: 

  • Cortex A7 processor with 650 MHz
  • Onboard 8 digital inputs, 4 digital outputs, 2 analog inputs, 2 analog outputs, and 2 temperature sensor inputs
  • 2 Ethernet ports for external communication (OPC UA, MQTT, EtherNet IP, EtherCAT, Modbus TCP/IP, etc.)
  • Expandable memory using an external memory card
  • Programming options with CODESYS or Node-RED

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