Next-Gen PLC Training

Factory I/O includes more than 20 scenes inspired by common industrial applications. Use a library of industrial parts and extend Factory I/O by creating your own training scenarios.

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trial license

Build your own scenarios using libraries of industrial parts!

Write your awesome label here.
With pre-installed SoftPLC tool
20+ ready to use scene to kick start your training
I/O Drivers to interface with almost every PLC

Try this software for 30 Days trial version

Get a license for as low as €28/month
Write your awesome label here.
30+ Minutes LIVE Demonstration

Learn more about

In this video, you will see how you can use FACTORY I/O to simulate an industrial process within fraction of seconds and further on how to link Siemens S7-1200 PLC with FACTORY I/O

Key features of FACTORY I/O?

Turn a computer into a PLC training kit

No risk of injury to students or damage to equipment. Space saving solution.

Works with any PLC

As well as the most common automation technologies: PLC simulators, Modbus, OPC and many others.

Common industrial applications

Bring large-scale industrial applications to the classroom.

Build your own scenarios

Use a library of industrial parts to build your own training scenarios.See more
Ready to start?

Download Factory I/O 30-day free trial. Includes full-featured Ultimate Edition